the coolest website your computer can run, probably


hello! it seems you have made use of your eon ticket and wondered out here on my website! um... i wasnt expecting any visitors today buy sure, come in!! my name is sophie!! and im the princess of this land, its pretty baron at the time but i hope you dont mind, ill clean out the mess soon enough but i hope you can enjoy your stay in here! have fun and thanks so much for visiting my quaint little project i got going on here, toodles!

bow pixel my status
link back to mequestion marks


archive of all the things of the now
play pixel video of the now


by: クマネコ

you guys are gonna get infected by my chiikawa obsession as well, this person makes really good chiikawa fanvideos, check this one out its very very cute

music pixel divider
star pixel fanlistings

madoka magica chococat 3ds dogs/puppies spongebob my little pony g4 pokemon kaoru rena sylveon eevee jirachi mimikyu mew vaporeon majou shojou lain tamagotchi style savvy

UPDATES laptop pixel

10/2/24: media log is up!! check it out i think shes cute

7/2/26: SHES ALIVEEEEEEEE!! yeah i finallly FINALLY finished my writing page, i was waiting to finish my main writing project before i launched it but like? i wantedto snap myself out of the "perfectionism" and just put it up with my current writing so i can take my merry ole sweet time writing her, alright! guten tag everyone!

7/2/25: hello february! im gonna enter univerdsity very soon so i may slow down even more hehe,,, do not worry!! ill try to still udploat my art and continue with my writing, hope you guys are doing good! ive been plaiyng a lot of Yakuza 0 i love you goro majima

28/1/25: long-ish time no update! completely revampred the colors tcg for a shiny new neotcg layout lol

19/1/25: i made a colors tcg page!, ive been keeping my eye on it and today i decided that i didnt wanna sit down and dilly dally so im beggining my colors journey! also ive been plaiyng fortnite haha....super fun....

10/1/25: didnt i tell you im locked the fuck in. finished the sitemap page!. ok but seriously NOW im gonna slow down a bit so i can focus on writing now that i have a roadmap ahead for myself!

10/1/25: did some housekeeping, added a webring section to the index and reorganized the homepage around a little bit!

9/1/25: me when i lie. HELP i just i did my links page real quick check it out!!! i worked hard on her

6/1/25: my 2025 art page is up! feel free to check her out even if it only has 3 pieces for now, im also gonna go on a bit of a semi-hiatu as the next page i wanna do is my articles page, but i wanna have at least another thing up and the writing process of this one has been kinda rocky as im dipping my toes into something i havent written that much, im triyng to have fun w it it instead of forcing myself tho! look forward to that but the updates are gonna slow a bit except for art updates!

2/1/25: took the l (w?) and bought neocities supporter tier. look at all those GBs of space baby my art is safe here. ill buy a namecheap domain one of these days. anyways ive been hard at work on the art page yuuuupp *you notice i have balatro on another tab and im not getting anything done* HEY HEY HEY DONT LOOK AT THAT- (same day edit: NVM. I FINISHED THAT BITCH. I CAN FINALLY KILL MYSELF

31/12/24: happy actual new years eve! wanna see how the new year treated me? here is my year in review!

30/12/24: happy new year! or new years eve-eve? i started working on my art gallery page, the main framework is all done but ive yet to do 90% of the busywork of actually coding in all the images and stuff on the right places, but i promise that ill be hard at work these next few days to fully finalize the page! also, fireworks! theyve replaced the snowflakes because tis the new year! also im considering taking the L and paiyng the five bucks so i can have more GBs of space dear god ive made so much art

25/12/24: on the twelfth day of christmas my sophie gave to me, a basophie finally going live! hi everyone! my lazzy arse finally got the fuck up and started CODING!!! im very excited to keep goingg EEK!!! happy holidays to anyone who celebrates btw!

song rec of the now
song rec archive

Confessions of a rotten girl


late to the party as always as i feel as if everypony and their mom has listened or at least hear about the "fujoshi miku song" but i cant recomend it enough, its so funny that sawtowne had his song put in fortnite and what he did was make a song abt being a fujo in catholic school, ijbol

TO DO cat on fire pixel

actually finish writing the shit u wanna write fish
fix up the anabel shrine css fish
finish writing stuff for the anabel shrine fish

plan out about and shrines homepage clover
plan out individual shrines clover
do work on graphicity clover
plusle pagedoll
yuri stampaigis stamp yaoi stamp sayori stamp coding stamp eevee stamp cocaine stamp konata stamp lain stamp lillie stamp tomoko stamp goreshit stamp 3ds alice
now plaiyng: Café: Pop (instrumental) - Tomodachi life OST